The Sims 3 Ambitions Traits Guide

The Sims 3 Ambitions Traits Guide

Born Salesman

Born salesmen sell their wares for more than normal sims and quickly build good reputations at the Consignment Store .


Everyday situations gain dramatic results from dramatic sims. At this point in the gaming experience, it is hard to tell how this trait differs from the excitable trait, but I’m guaranteeing it involves some amusing sim sounds and weird facial expressions.


An important trait for inventor sims, the ‘Eccentric’ trait boosts abilities in the field of building gizmos and whatchamacallits.

Eco- Friendly Sims

Your sims may not board a Japanese Whaling Boat and tell its captain that he’s under citizen’s arrest, but they will recycle, conserve energy, and ‘live green’. (Which is a great deal easier in a world powered by electricity from another dimension.)


Perceptive sims are good at perceiving things and therefore make excellent detectives. An important trait to choose if you want your sim to be any good at the investigator career.

Savvy Sculptor

Much as it sounds, savvy sculptors are good at sculpting. Ye gods, its like the Sims developers weren’t even trying when they came up with that one.